Tuesday, May 31, 2005

CAKE - Motorcade of Generosity

It's been more than 10 years since I first heard the song Rock 'N' Roll Lifestyle on the radio. It was sung in monotone, the tone was biting sarcasm, funny, relevant. It conjured up images of the rock and roll fan, who wasn't really a fan, who was more concerned with image rather than appreciating the music. It was revolutionary. I loved it.

Now tickets to concerts and drinking at clubs,
Sometimes for music that you haven't even heard of.
And how much did you pay for your rock'n'roll t-shirt
That proves you were there,That you heard of them first?

Excess ain't rebellion.
You're drinking what they're selling.
Your self-destruction doesn't hurt them.
Your chaos won't convert them.

Man, those were great lyrics, especially the "Excess ain't rebellion" part. Now after I heard it played a couple more times, I eventually found out the band's name was CAKE, and of course rushed out to buy the CD. Trouble is, no one had heard of them. When I mentioned to the salesgirl that I was looking for CAKE she gave me a funny look, and chuckled that this wasn't a bakeshop. I had to go to CD Warehouse, order one, then wait a couple of months before I finally got it.

This is a great CD. CAKE has a very unique style. Their first album, same with all their releases, looks very low budget. The CD cover booklet is printed on what looks like newsprint, and appears to have been produced with a cheap typewriter and mimeographed. No lyrics are included. The band gives no dedication, no acknowledgement, just the list of songs, that's it.

My favorite songs are of course, Rock 'N' Roll Lifestyle, as well as You Part The Waters -

You part the waters,
The same ones that I'm drowning in.
You lead your casual slaughters,
And I'm the one who helps you win.
You've got your grand piano.
You don't even play piano.
I'm the one who plays piano.
You don't even play piano.

Casual slaughters? Who leads whom? Who gets the piano? We don't know.

Jolene is also good, as well as Ruby Sees All, Pentagram, Mr. Mastodon Farm, and others. The music is in its raw form. No frills, just basic simple instruments. Every song is subject to interpretation. The lead singer and main songwriter John McCrea has a knack for writing some of the strangest lyrics you will read. Lots of biblical imagery which I suspect is about something entirely different. CAKE's songs revolve around society's excesses, human frailties, and emotion in its pure form. 10 years later I'm still a CAKE fan and it all started with this CD.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars * * * *
Excess ain't rebellion. You're drinking what they're selling...

1 comment:

robdelacruz said...

Roehl, I was young and foolish at the time. I would make snap judgments on people based on single events. Fortunately since then I have learned, and Trinity is an ok guy, too bad I never got to really know him.